Waco Regional Airport

Master Plan


The Waco Regional Airport retained the team of Walker Partners and Coffman Associates, an airport consulting firm specializing in master planning and environmental studies, to develop a new Airport Master Plan. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends that airports update their long-term planning documents every seven to 10 years, or as necessary to address local changes at the airport. The last master plan update for Waco Regional Airport was completed in 2002. The aviation industry is very dynamic, and many changes have occurred globally, nationally, and locally since the inception of the previous master plan.

The Airport Master Plan will evaluate Waco Regional Airport’s capabilities and role, forecast future aviation demand, and plan for the timely development of new or improved facilities that may be required to meet that demand. The ultimate goal of the Master Plan is to provide systematic guidelines for the Airport’s overall maintenance, development, and operation. The study is designed to provide guidance for future development and provide updated justification for projects for which the airport may request funding participation through federal and state airport improvement programs.


The Airport Master Plan Update will be prepared in accordance with FAA requirements, including Advisory Circular 150/5300-13A, Airport Design (as amended), and AC 150/5070-6C, Airport Master Plans (as amended). The Master Plan is intended to be a proactive document which identifies and then plans for future facility needs well in advance of the actual need. This is done to ensure that the City of Waco can coordinate project approvals, design, financing, and construction in a timely manner, prior to experiencing the detrimental effects of deteriorating or inadequate facilities.

An important outcome of the Master Plan process is a recommended development plan which reserves sufficient areas for future facility needs. Such planning will protect development areas and ensure they will be readily available when required to meet future needs. The intended outcome of this study is a detailed on-airport land use concept which outlines specific uses for all areas of airport property, including strategies for revenue enhancement.

The preparation of this Master Plan is evidence that the City of Waco recognizes the importance of the Airport to the surrounding region and the associated challenges inherent in providing for its unique operating and improvement needs. The cost of maintaining an airport is an investment which yields impressive benefits to the local community. With a sound and realistic Master Plan, the Airport can maintain its role as an important link to the regional, state, and national air transportation systems. Moreover, the plan will aid in supporting decisions for directing limited and valuable City resources for future airport development. Ultimately, the continued investments in the airport will allow the City of Waco to reap the economic benefits generated by historical investments.


The primary objective of the Waco Regional Airport Master Plan is to develop and maintain a financially feasible, long-term development program, which will satisfy aviation demand of the region; be compatible with community development, other transportation modes, and the environment; and enhance employment and revenue for the local area. The most recent planning effort for the Airport was the completion of the Waco Regional Airport – Airport Master Plan 2002. The Airport’s Layout Plan (ALP) has been updated or modified periodically.

This Master Plan is intended to provide guidance though an updated capital improvement and financial program to demonstrate the future investments required by the City. The new planning study also provides justification for new priorities. The plan will be closely coordinated with other planning studies in the area and with aviation plans developed by the FAA. The plan will also be coordinated with the City of Waco as it finishes the City Comprehensive Plan, as well as other local and regional agency plans as appropriate. Specific objectives of the study include, but are not limited to the following:

- Examine the projected aviation demand and identify the facilities necessary to accommodate the demand;

- Determine projected needs of airport users over the next 20 years, by which support airport development alternatives;

- Recommend improvements which enhance the Airport’s safety and capacity to the maximum extent possible;

- Establish a schedule of development priorities and a program for the proposed improvements.

- Prioritize the Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP);

- Prepare a new Airport Layout Plan in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration; and,

- Develop active and productive public involvement throughout the planning process. 

completion date: 2018

location: waco, tx

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