City of McGregor

Water Master Plan

Walker Partners was engaged by the City of McGregor to create a hydraulic model of the City’s existing potable water distribution system to identify any distribution, pressure, and/ or water supply deficiencies and recommend reasonable cost-effective options for correcting any deficiencies identified. The water distribution system is supplied by five existing ground water wells and supplemented by an existing agreement with Bluebonnet WSC to purchase treated surface water. The current water distribution system model has more than 44 miles of piping, ranging from two inches to 16 inches.

A computer model of the City’s distribution system was created in EPANET software. The model was compiled utilizing information provided by City of McGregor staff via plans, maps, and personal knowledge of the system. Walker Partners staff performed inspections of water plant sites to obtain piping layouts, operating manuals, pump station manufacturer’s information, and well pump manufacturer’s information. We also installed digital pressure recorders and performed flow tests at select locations to develop the information required to calibrate the model. The model includes all distribution lines, elevated ground underground storage tanks, and pumps within the system.

Walker Partners analyzed computer simulations of the existing system and water plants under various conditions in order to prioritize needed infrastructure improvements while maximizing system efficiency and providing for future growth.

While we were performing this work, the City of McGregor was presented with an opportunity to have a new industry locate in McGregor. One of the challenges presented to the City is that the new industry requires as much high quality water as the City currently uses and will need a substantial amount of water for fire flow. Therefore, the City needed to double its water supply and reserve adequate fire flow capacity in order to have this industry move to McGregor.

Walker Partners adjusted their focus to include the new industry and formulated a reasonably affordable plan of action to improve the City’s water supply and distribution system to meet the current and future needs of the City and the new industry.  

completion date: 2009

location: mcgregor, Tx

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