City of Killeen

Lions Park Hike & Bike Trail


The City of Killeen recognized the need of additional recreational features for the City of Killeen Lions Park located on Stan Schlueter Loop. The park already had 8 baseball diamonds, soccer fields, the water park and a senior center. What it was lacking was a hike and bike trail. Hike and bike trails are traditionally the most used feature of local City parks. Residents of all ages can be observed using the trails whenever the facility is open and mostly at night or very early in the morning. This use requires that the trail is ADA compliant, safe and well lighted.

The City engaged Walker Partners to design the Lions Park Hike & Bike Trail to meet the above requirements as well as including landscaping improvements and hardscape features such as benches and trash receptacles. The City was particularly intent on the trail layout and route to be site compatible and have a flow that enhanced it appeal to potential users.


Walker Partners quickly developed a conceptual trail route within the Lion’s Park boundary that fit the existing features and allowed for pedestrian safety and avoided conflicts with other park features and improvements. This initial concept route allowed Walker Partners to develop a preliminary opinion of cost. Walker Partners presented the conceptual trail plan and opinion of cost to the City’s Parks and Recreation Staff and Committee for approval. Following the presentation, the group climbed to the top of the highest Water Park feature to visualize how the trail route would fit the existing park improvements. Walker Partners was given the approval to develop the final design following the on-site presentation.

Walker Partners selected landscape architect David Baldwin as a subcontractor to finalize the trail route, landscaping plan, hardscape plan and the trail lighting design. The final trail design was completed with all components and submitted for ADA review and approval. Once that approval was in hand, the project was bid, awarded and construction was under way. Walker Partners provided inspection for the project with a resident project representative that worked closely with the contractor to ensure that ADA requirements were met and passed the post construction inspection. The project was completed on schedule and within budget.


The City of Killeen held a grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on a bright and clear Saturday morning in October. The weather was wonderful and upon cutting the ribbon, local residents immediately filed onto the trail and began using it. Years later, it is still the most used recreational feature of the City’s Lions Park. 

completion date: 2006

location: killeen, tx

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