City of Gatesville

Wastewater Master Plan and Lift Station Evaluation

The City of Gatesville has been working diligently to upgrade and expand the existing wastewater system. Much of the system is aging and requires larger facilities to accommodate the explosive growth seen in recent years.

To effectively identify the City’s facilities, Walker Partners completed mapping of the existing wastewater system via field survey and condition assessments. Flow monitoring was performed during large-scale rain events to identify sewer basins experiencing large volumes of inflow and infiltration (I/I) due to sewer defects. Manhole inspections were accomplished throughout the entire collection system to assess overall conditions and to utilize I/I information in the wastewater model. Smoke testing is underway to identify potential defects among other sources of I/I within the sewer lines. Video inspection will be utilized to locate lines where defects could not be confirmed with smoke testing and/or to confirm line segments where manholes were unable to be located during field inspections.

A wastewater system model will be generated with the combined sewer system evaluation study data collected to perform an analysis, which will identify critical facilities and infrastructure prone to inundation during large-scale rain events. This information will be used to prioritize manhole and sewer line replacements/improvements throughout the wastewater collection system. In addition, the wastewater treatment plant and all lift stations will be assessed to confirm capacities and identify deficiencies. A comprehensive report listing recommended improvements with suggested timeline will be generated for the City to utilize for future planning and funding as part of the capital improvements program.

completion date: 2020

location: gatesville, tx

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